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CS Unleashed Webinar Series

Beyond Satisfaction: How to Leverage Technology for Proactive Customer Success

Get actionable tips to help you grow your business

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Building a Customer-Centric Culture

Leveraging Technology in Customer Success

Measuring Success in Customer Success

Stop doing this in 2024!

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Samantha Semuhin

Customer Success Manager at Upflow

Samantha is a Strategic Customer Success Manager at Upflow where she has shaped and nurtured a culture of excellence..She has a passion for delivering exceptional results and innovative problem-solving to the realm of Customer Success.

Celine Doumar

Senior CSM at Vitally

Celine is a Sr CSM at Vitally, a leading CSP. She embarked on her journey in Customer Success almost a decade ago (before it was called Customer Success) at a large organization, moving from Mid Market Customer Success to Enterprise Implementation. When she moved to New York five years ago, she transitioned into the dynamic world of startups, and has since worn many CS hats. She currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Elliot Fox

Head of Customer Success at Simplesat

Hi! I’m Elliot the head of Customer Success at Simplesat. Passionate about onboarding customers and finding simple solutions to complex use cases.

Cory Brown

CEO at Simplesat

Cory is fueled by a passion for customer service and a dedication to helping his own clients achieve excellence in their service offerings. With 15 years of experience collaborating with MSPs, he has honed his skills in improving their marketing and customer success strategies.

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