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The easiest way to get customer feedback through Autotask

Integrate CSAT, or CES (Customer Effort Score) feedback into your Autotask ticket notifications and automates quarterly email NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys.


✨ How Simplesat works with Autotask

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Add CSAT surveys to closed ticket emails

Embed one-click CSAT or CES surveys directly into closed status Autotask ticket notifications.


Sync Autotask ticket details with feedback

Gain further context about feedback by retrieving ticket info through the Autotask API.


Add feedback to internal notes

Sync ratings with Autotask ticket notes to increase visibility and transparency.

Update Autotask user defined fields with feedback

Connect ratings with ticket UDFs (User Defined Fields) to enable automations and detailed reporting.


Import and sync Autotask contacts

Getting your contacts into Simplesat enables automating surveys, and makes sure your records are always up to date.


Automate NPS surveys

Put your quarterly customer surveys on autopilot by emailing directly from Simplesat.


Detailed client reporting

Create reports for a client, shareholder, or your team members!


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