The easiest way to get customer feedback through Rocketseed email signatures

Embed CSAT, CES, and NPS customer surveys directly in Rocketseed email signatures.

How Simplesat works with Rocketseed
Add CSAT, CES, or NPS surveys to email templates
Embed one-click surveys directly into Outlook or Gmail through Rocketseed Templates.
- Easily add Rocketseed's email placeholders in the embed code section
- Easy copy/paste process takes less than 5 minutes
- Embedded surveys mean no extra emails for your contacts

Detailed reporting
Create reports for a client, group of team members, or any other information you’re looking to present or explore.
- View survey score, stats, trends, and leaderboards
- Filter by company, customer, team member, or any attributes sent through Rocketseed signatures
- Drill down to see details for any specific stat or time period
Super satisfied Simplesat success stories