The easiest way to get customer feedback through Kayako

Embed CSAT, CES, or NPS surveys directly into Kayako’s closed-ticket email templates.
How Simplesat works with Kayako
Add CSAT, CES, or NPS surveys to email templates
Embed one-click surveys directly into solved ticket emails from Kayako.
- Easily create Kayako surveys
- Easy copy/paste process takes less than 5 minutes
- Embedded surveys mean no extra emails for your contacts

Instant emails
Keep your team on the same page with informative email notifications.
- Each Simplesat user can configure their notification preferences
- Options to receive only certain types of results (ex. only negative ratings with a comment)
- Send notifications to email groups, Microsoft Teams, or Slack channels
Detailed reporting
Create reports for a client, group of team members, or any other information you’re looking to present or explore.
- View survey score, stats, trends, and leaderboards
- Filter by company, customer, team member, or any synced Kayako attributes
- Drill down to see details for any specific stat or time period