Quick and accurate customer insights with Topics

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of customer feedback?

We’ve all been there, trying to make sense of it all while missing out on critical insights. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new Topics feature, designed to streamline your feedback analysis and help you derive actionable insights effortlessly.

Understanding customer feedback, simplified

With just a glance at the associated Topic, you immediately know what your customers are talking about and how they feel about specific aspects of your product/service.

Why this matters

Categorizing the feedback you receive gives you the clarity you need to make better decisions. With Topics, you can:

Enhance reporting capabilities

Instantly filter feedback by topics or sentiments. Whether you’re a product owner wanting to know what customers think about a new feature, or a team leader looking to understand performance trends, Topics makes it easy to analyze the customer responses you care about the most at any given moment.

Improve team performance

Identify recurring themes in feedback related to specific team members. This can be a game-changer for performance reviews and targeted training.

Unlock deeper insights

We’re working on expanding these reporting options to include dashboards and detailed reports. Soon, you’ll be able to gain even more profound insights from your feedback data.

Gain global insights

Topics seamlessly handles feedback in any language, allowing you to gather valuable insights from customers worldwide. No matter where your customers are or what language they speak, you’ll have the clarity you need. Just note that while feedback can be in any language, the results will always be presented in English.

How it works

Our AI-driven model analyzes each response and assigns it to a predefined topic. This ensures consistency and prevents clutter in your reports. You can also add custom topics to tailor the analysis to your specific needs.

Flexibility and control

Worried about accuracy? Don’t be. You can manually edit any topic assignment, and these edits help train our AI model to improve over time. Plus, you can manage topics on the go, adding or removing them as needed.

Managing topics

Adding custom topics

Custom topics let you tailor feedback analysis to fit your specific needs. Create and describe your own topics to capture niche areas of feedback. This flexibility ensures that your feedback analysis aligns perfectly with your business needs.

Creating and managing topic groups

Organize your topics into groups to simplify analysis and reporting. Grouping related topics provides a clearer overview and makes it easier to identify trends across different areas of your business.

With custom topics and groups, you can keep your feedback analysis precise and organized, helping you derive the most actionable insights.

Getting started

  • View topics – Check out all associated topics in the response sidebar immediately after a response is given.
  • Manage settings – Navigate to the Topics page to see all predefined and custom topics, view their details, and make any necessary changes.
  • Add custom topics and groups – Create new topics and groups to further refine your feedback analysis. Describe your topics in detail to help our AI understand and analyze responses more effectively.

We’re in beta! Your feedback matters.

We’re excited about the potential of Simplesat’s new Topics feature, but we need your help to make it even better. This feature is currently in beta, so your feedback is crucial. Share your experiences, both positive and negative, and help us refine this tool to meet your needs better.

Common questions

The AI model is continually learning. If a topic isn’t detected accurately, your team can manually edit it. Think of it as growing pains: yYour edits help improve the model.

Deactivate some topics before activating new ones. Predefined topics are always analyzed, while custom topics are analyzed only when active.

No, once you reactivate a topic, it’s automatically added back to the response it was associated with.

Ready to give it a try?

Dive into the Topics feature today and let us know what you think. Your insights will help shape the future of Simplesat!

Don’t forget to check out our product roadmap for a sneak peek at what’s coming next. Your input helps shape our future updates, so let us know your thoughts!

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