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Simplesat announces first two-way Autotask integration for customer satisfaction

Seattle, WA — Simplesat announces the first two-way customer satisfaction feedback tool for Datto’s Autotask PSA. In today’s competitive environment, it’s critical that companies have consistent and up-to-date satisfaction data. Even more important is having deeper insights to customer satisfaction, while having the ability to share positive reviews on websites and social media in a timely and efficient manner.

“We’re excited to partner with Simplesat to provide an out-of-the-box integration for our partners,” said Joe Rourke, Director of Product Management, Autotask PSA at Datto. “Datto’s Autotask PSA is storehouse for customer data, and with Simplesat’s integration, our partners can now access critical insights and share positive reviews in real time.”

“Simplesat was born out of Pronto Marketing’s 10 years of working with MSPs around theworld.” Cory Brown, Co-founder of Pronto Marketing and CEO at Simplesat said. “We knowhow important getting timely customer feedback is to them. At Pronto we’ve always strived tohave the best data, get the deepest insights from it and share the good news and reviewswith the world. Ultimately our quest led us to build a fully feature and integrated system thatyou see in Simplesat today.”

Simplesat at a glance:

  • Measure and improve your customer satisfaction – The Simplesat app makes it easy to track incoming CSAT feedback gathered through a wide range of help desks including Autotask. This enables users to spot problem areas, identify bright spots, and improve customer experience based on real-time data.
  • Instantly publish positive client feedback as testimonials – Simplesat increases website conversions by providing social proof through positive testimonials. Feedback and positive reviews can be published direct to websites with one click.
  • Simple & fair pricing – Starting at just $33 per month, Simplesat is easy, and cost-effective to get going, and can scale with growing companies. “From my consulting practice with MSPs I’ve found that the lack of customer insight is something that comes up in my discovery process far too often. Easy to implement solutions

“From my consulting practice with MSPs I’ve found that the lack of customer insight is something that comes up in my discovery process far too often. Easy to implement solutions like Simplesat that integrate with my client’s existing PSA is the way to go” says Todd Kane. President, Evolved Management Consulting.

About Simplesat

Simplesat, a startup within the Pronto Marketing agency, is a customer satisfaction service aimed at MSPs looking to improve their service and gain more awareness through testimonials and positive reviews.

Pronto Marketing is the leader in MSP and SME online marketing services solutions since 2008.

About Datto

At Datto, our mission is to empower the world’s small and medium-sized businesses with the best in enterprise-level technology. We do it by equipping our unique community of ManagedService Provider partners with the right products, tools and knowledge to allow each and every customer to succeed. It’s an approach that’s made us the world’s leading provider of MSP delivered IT solutions. Datto is headquartered in Norwalk, CT, with offices worldwide.

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