The easiest way to get customer feedback through Outlook

Embed CSAT, CES, or NPS surveys directly into Outlook email signatures.
How Simplesat works with Outlook
Add Add CSAT, CES, or NPS surveys to your Outlook email signature.
Embed one-click CSAT, CES, or NPS surveys directly into email signatures.
- Easily create Outlook email signatures
- Choose from a variety of satisfaction icons
- Associate feedback with team members using each invidual's email address

New ratings automatically update MS Outlook contacts
Through Zapier, you can keep your contacts in MS Outlook updated with their latest satisfaction ratings.
- Immediately update contact records when you receive new feedback
- Make it easy to identify prospects or unhappy customers
Instant emails
Keep your team on the same page with informative email notifications.
- Each Simplesat user can configure their notification preferences
- Options to receive only certain types of results (ex. only negative ratings with a comment)
- Send notifications to email groups, Microsoft Teams, or Slack channels