Improve customer relationships by using NPS surveys

🏆 Results

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Red Key provides a range of technology services to businesses throughout New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. They have been a trusted provider of managed IT solutions in the area since 2002 and are constantly looking for ways to improve service delivery to their clients and support for their team.

They turned to Simplesat when the time came to implement a new method for collecting and analyzing customer service data. Unhappy with their existing tool — which was stale and missing key features — they made the switch and have benefited from Simplesat’s more comprehensive approach.

😭 The Problem

Before switching to Simplesat, Red Key was using a competing product that they felt was increasingly out of touch with their needs. It had not changed in years and provided no way to share ticket survey results to their website, something they felt was essential for highlighting an important differentiator to prospects. 

At the same time, their existing tool didn’t allow them to gather essential information for managing client relationships.

“We never tracked Net Promoter Scores with clients before Simplesat. This gives us a totally different insight into client relationships. Specifically, are they happy enough to refer us?”

🤔 Why Simplesat?

With an urgent need to better understand their customers’ expectations and experiences, Red Key chose Simplesat as their new CSAT software. They appreciated the combination of its simplicity of setup and use, its competitive pricing, its ambitious development roadmap, and its ability to perform both ticket surveys and NPS scoring. 

“Simplesat is perfect for publishing great ticket surveys right to our website. The survey buttons are super fun and match our culture. The clients like this better than basic happy faces.”

💡 The Solution

For Red Key Solutions, Simplesat offered a quick and easy replacement for their existing tool, setting it up in just 15 minutes. They were able to export the information from the old software and transition over in less than a day, seamlessly shifting to the new platform. The resulting solution provides much greater insight into customer satisfaction.

Red Key cited the hundreds of locations they manage and how hard it is to understand who is satisfied with their services and who is not.

“Our goal is really to make every client happy, and this tool gives us the ability to keep our ear to the ground better than ever before. All feedback is used to help shape our awesome services.”

CSAT dashboard
Simplesat CSAT data flowing directly into BrightGauge.

With its easier setup, better features, and higher “fun factor” keeping clients engaged, Simplesat has been a perfect fit for Red Key’s needs.

🏆 The Results

Red Key Solutions has been able to better understand and act on customer feedback as a result of their switch to Simplesat.

After the transition, this was demonstrated when an executive from one of their clients submitted feedback on a ticket that had not gone well.

The team assumed this ticket was closed, and without the survey system in place, the executive’s concerns never would have been heard. It gave Red Key the opportunity to revisit the issue, fix the problem, and adjust their processes — simultaneously saving a high-value relationship and improving their practices.

“The more clients we manage the harder it is to keep them happy. We are obsessed with client happiness and finally have a
tool to measure and improve it.”

 With Simplesat in place, Red Key has seen customer engagement increase across the board. The results are tangible, not only in customer response rates, but in the strong word-of-mouth referrals from customers willing to champion their services. 

For a company eager to do the best by their clients, Simplesat has become an important part of Red Key’s processes — both in ensuring high levels of quality and maintaining consistent communications.

Display showing days since negative reviews
52 days and counting - keep up the good work Red Key!
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About Red Key Solutions

Established in 2002, Red Key is a full-service IT solutions firm, managing some of the New York area’s most respected and well-established companies.

Redkey Solutions Team Photo

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