The easiest way to get customer feedback through TOPdesk

Integrate CSAT, or CES (Customer Effort Score) feedback into your TOPdesk ticket notifications and automates quarterly email NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys.


✨ How Simplesat works with TOPdesk


Add CSAT, CES, NPS, or 5-star rating surveys to email notification templates

Embed one-click surveys directly into TOPdesk’s email notification templates.


Update contact sync details

Sync user updates from TOPdesk to Simplesat.

Sync feedback data to custom fields


Associate customer ratings information

Each time your customer provides a rating, Simplesat will associate the following information with the response.


Streamline feedback integration

Sync feedback to the related incident in TOPdesk as a comment.

✨ Find out how real businesses are improving customer satisfaction with Simplesat

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