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Proper Sky’s customer story

We recently got the chance to interview Jim Smith, founder and CEO of Proper Sky.

Proper Sky is a Philadelphia-based IT company which provides managed IT services, cloud services, and cybersecurity to SMBs. They’ve been using Simplesat for over four years, and this isn’t the first time we asked Jim about the ways that our product contributes to his company’s success. Watch the video here or read on. 

We were curious about Proper Sky’s current experience with Simplesat: what’s convincing them to stay with us?

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Keeping a finger on the pulse

Using Simplesat has proved to be a great bridge toward Proper Sky’s customers.

  • The feedback is actionable, which means you get many opportunities to let clients know you’re paying attention. Jim points out that there’s actually a risk of overwhelming the client by following up too often with their feedback; it takes a little while to find the right balance and build a mutually satisfying customer relationship.
  • When survey engagement drops off, that’s a danger sign. In addition to looking at ratings, it’s important to keep checking the quantity of feedback. If a client is unhappy, they’re less likely to respond to surveys.

Simplesat makes it easy to track satisfaction data over a long period of time. Jim has identified a pattern in Proper Sky’s customer responses: there is usually a dip in satisfaction after the initial enthusiasm, but then the customers realize that changes are being made according to their feedback, and satisfaction soars.

Crystal-clear UX

“I consider myself a pretty smart person. So if I can’t make it work in about thirty seconds, I have no interest in the tool.” – Jim

Simplesat made sense to him immediately, and it remains an intuitive and straightforward tool that saves time for Jim’s team. In his experience, Simplesat runs reliably 100% of the time.

For example, he says our contact syncs “just work”. They don’t require any additional effort or coordination from Proper Sky, and they’re always accurate.
We aim to make feedback collection effortless for our clients.

Over the years, Simplesat has brought in new integrations, new survey formats, and other operational changes. Throughout this, it has remained easy to use. Simplesat helps Proper Sky provide brisk, secure, high-quality IT service that matches the needs of their customers. As a result, Jim says he’s happy to recommend us to anyone, especially other managed service providers.

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